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Before then the kids on our block had been "playing Star Wars" for a while but we didn't know who the characters were, so when someone said Alright you be Darth Vader, we were just like "OK!"I 15 born in September of 2002 and I can remember a time when I wasn a Star Wars fan, I watched every Star Wars film in theatres that I been alive to seeMy dad likes the films and watches all of them at the theatres when he can and he showed me New Hope from my local video rental store and I watched it and loved it and for about 4 years I would cycle through the Star Wars films every time we would rent a movie (I would always get a Star Wars film and maybe a Star Trek, Flash Gordon or Ace Ventura) we would go down every Sunday and me and my brother would choose two movies each sadly my Video store got closed a few years ago (I think I was ten) I remember watching the shorts of Revenge of the Sith on the special features of the DVD and being surprised to see it was released in 2006 I always thought the OT looked better then the other films and asked my Dad about it who told me everythingI always read Star Wars books and really enjoyed Heir to the Empire which my Nan got for me from a second hand book store for about $5 and I really liked Thrawn and my favourite character is LukeI went to a crappy cinema to watch Force Awakens opening weekend with my Dad and the popcorn was stale and the carpet was sticky and I loved the whole experience I also got the first issue of the new Star Wars ongoing series and I have to say I like new canon more then legends I hope if I ever have a kid they like Star Wars I won force them to watch it but if they do watch it I think it will be awesome same with the MCU I think that Star Wars is the type of think that will always be watched and that pretty awesomeI think I was a die hard by the time I was 3 4 years old wholesale bikinis.


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